It only takes a moment to feel JOY.
It only takes a moment to admire the stars.
It only takes a moment to share a magic moment with a loved one.
It only takes a moment to embrace fear.
It only takes a moment to set an amazing, sparkling goal.
It only takes a moment to dream big.
It only takes a moment to say ‘Thank YOU’.
It only takes a moment to smile.
It only takes a moment to say ‘I’m sorry’.
It only takes a moment to breathe in peacefulness.
It only takes a moment to experience bliss.
It only takes a moment to radiate LoVe.
It only takes a moment to offer forgiveness.
It only takes a moment to reflect on who YOU wish to be in the world.
It only takes a moment to admit your truth.
It only takes a moment to embrace change.
It only takes a moment to choose actions that will lead YOU to your best life.
It only takes a moment to connect with another soul.
It only takes a moment to express compassion.
It only takes a moment to connect to your essence.
It only takes a moment to love Your Self.
It only takes a moment…
Fill your life with WoNDeR.FuLL moments.
- Lynne